Bank and Mortgage Fraud

South Florida Fraud Defense Lawyer

Bank fraud and mortgage fraud are growing concerns throughout South Florida. If you have been charged with bank fraud or have reason to believe you will be charged, seek the counsel of an experienced and qualified attorney.

Bruce H. Fleisher, P.A. is a talented criminal defense lawyer who is highly respected throughout Florida and nationwide. In more than 34 years practicing law, he has represented clients in thousands of cases ranging from drug charges to money laundering in both State and Federal Courts. Contact us to speak with him in a confidential meeting.

Mortgage Fraud

Amongst Miami's most affluent neighborhoods are property schemes to make money. Investors buy houses, make improvements and resell them at higher prices. While the intentions are legal, the way investors buy the properties may not be. For instance, investors have other people purchase property for them in order to collect cash on houses they originally could not afford.

Other examples of mortgage fraud are:

  • Misrepresenting income or assets on a mortgage application
  • Using a false name to conceal your true identity
  • Inflating appraisals
  • Over-estimating property values

Bank Fraud

Bank fraud is a complex area of the law, usually referring to false statements made at a financial institution and using that information to obtain money, securities, loans and other financial documents. The penalties are prison time and criminal or civil forfeiture, or loss of property.

Contact Us

If you are a suspect in a bank or mortgage fraud investigation, get legal counsel immediately. Contact us to speak with leading Florida defense attorney, Bruce Fleisher. Call the office at (305) 859-7999 any time, 24 hours a day.

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