Money Laundering

Experienced Federal Defense Lawyer

In recent years, the federal government in particular has grown more aggressive in arresting people on money laundering charges. Whether you have been arrested or believe for any reason that you may be, it is absolutely vital to get strong defense counsel as quickly as possible.

With offices in the Miami area, attorney Bruce Fleisher represents clients throughout South Florida and the nation who need assistance in serious federal charges, such as fraud and money laundering. In more than 34 years as a criminal defense lawyer, he has handled thousands of cases, in Florida and Federal Courts nationwide. See the Past Cases page for a small sampling of his work.

About Money Laundering

Money laundering is defined as concealing or using money that has been derived from an illegal enterprise. It is being applied in an increasingly broad fashion by state and federal authorities, to encompass everything from gang activity to legitimate business enterprise.

Money laundering is a charge typically levied in federal courts, often as an additional charge to RICO / Racketeering offenses or White Collar Crimes. A conviction on money laundering carries heavy penalties, the more money found to have been laundered, the greater the sentence.

What to Do

A key to winning money laundering charges, or even preventing an indictment from being handed down, is to let an experienced lawyer represent you or your company. Too many people are in federal jails because they thought they could handle questioning from the authorities or a grand jury investigation alone.

Se habla español

Money laundering cases, especially those in Florida, often involve offshore interests and foreign nationals. Bruce Fleisher has represented clients from many countries including, Mexico, Suriname, Canada, China, Japan, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Haiti, El Salvador, San Salvador, Argentina, Russia, Israel, Nigeria, Brazil, Bahamas, Jamaica, and the West Indies. His office speaks fluent Spanish.

Contact Us

If you are in any stage of a money laundering investigation, there is little time to waste. Contact us to speak, in full confidence, with one of Florida's leading criminal defense lawyers. Call the office at (305) 859-7999 any time, 24 hours a day.

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