Illegal Alien Smuggling

Florida Defense Attorney for Illegal Alien Smuggling

The federal government is cracking down on illegal alien smuggling. However, in order to convict someone of committing this act, they must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To protect your rights against a premature conviction, it is vital that you employ the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Miami attorney, Bruce Fleisher, is well-known throughout Florida as one of the nation's leading criminal defense attorneys. He has tried more than 250 cases in both State and Federal Courts throughout his 34 year career. He provides aggressive representation for his clients in trials and negotiations. To schedule a consultation with Mr. Fleisher, contact the office today.

Smuggling From the Sea

Most of South Florida's illegal alien population is a direct result of boat owners smuggling people in from Cuba, Haiti and Jamaica. They stow people away in the ship's storage areas such as closets or other tight quarters. While some never get caught, those who do risk losing their boat, their jobs and their civil liberties. Both those illegally entering the country and those who help them can face federal criminal charges.

An experienced defense attorney can provide the representation necessary to avoid convictions and long prison sentences. Too many people fail to take advantage of these services and try to talk their way out of a criminal charge. Doing so only makes matters worse and could ultimately lead to a confession. He will do all he can to avoid unnecessary criminal consequences for bringing illegal aliens into the country.

Contact Us

Don't delay — contact us immediately to schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney about illegal alien smuggling and other illegal immigration charges. Call the office at (305) 859-7999 any time, 24 hours a day.

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